New things to enjoy

Grey cat Inquiring Minds


I recently decided to start posting some of my photography on DeviantArt website. The reason being they were just sitting on a hard drive not making themselves useful at all. Here’s what I’ve posted there so far at DeviantArt at      Also on DeviantArt you can have them printed as all kinds of things such as:


Fine Art Prints – Fine Art Canvas Prints – Framed Fine Art Paper Prints – Framed Canvas Prints – Wrapped Canvas Prints – Photographic Prints – Greeting Cards – Mouse Pads – Ceramic Coffee Mugs – Coasters – Fridge Magnets – Postcards – Calendars

Photo dog statue with sunglasses          Photo poolside candles

Yowie Yoga Cat HiYa!Gee golly that sounded great. I knew my little printer wouldn’t keep up with all that, not to mention the time involved doing it myself. And I’m sure not set up to print on cups, magnets, coasters, and such.  I’ll have to explore a different place for T-Shirts.  They don’t do that there.  NOTE: I have only just started posting my photography, but next month will start posting my ART there too.  (possibly, see my post here on maybe why not)

Photo Pink Rose    photo mauve purple rose    

So if you just want to see what all else I post on there, go on over to DeviantArt to MY page, and you can look through all of them

Where has Yowie Yoga Cat BEEN?

I know you all wonder how Yowie Yoga Cat has been doing with his CAREER.  Actually he’s been doing a lot of photo shoots lately.


I Was Here All The Time


Yowie Yoga Cat Parking


I Are Serious Cat


But Sometimes Shy and Un-Imposing . . .


Yowie Yoga Cat with his new fashion hat


Yowie Yoga Cat is a sexy thinking guy


Yowie Yoga Cat ends his day in the bath

HOWEVER . . . Nowdays, when he isn’t posing for a photo shoot, he hangs out with BUBBA his best friend.


BUBBA THE HAMSTER (c) 2017 G.Schultz

BUBBA, Yowie’s friend (c) 2017

And he also hangs out with CHICKME, his maybe sometime girlfriend

Chicken perching

CHICKME (c) 2017



One renegade chicken

Photo chickens head

Renegade chicken. She’s SO idependent

I had recently started letting my chickens out of their pen to roam the yard.  I have a privacy fence, and after blocking the undersides of all the gates, not including hawks,  it was a pretty safe place for them to roam if I didn’t let the dog out of his pen.

So I let them out and watched to see where they hung out.  For the most part they stayed at the back of the property which is where thiere pen and nests are at.  They scratched everywhere, the compost pile was a favorite, as was under the flatbed and trailers in the backyard.  I introduced them to the winter garden which had nothing in it they could destroy.

They had a whole lotta chicken fun.  And I cut down on the feed bill quite a lot.  They got bugs, and grass, and seeds to eat all day long.  They got to roll in the dirt, flap their wings, run a good distance too.  But when I’d come out to take a head count, (I’ve got six hens), there was always one not with the flock that I would have to search for.

Today I went out to check on them and that renegade chicken was at it again, only this time I couldn’t seem to get her to come when I called, even though five of the hens were eating chopped apples and leftover spaghetti as a treat.  I came back out later, I heard what I thought was something from under one of the junk cars in the yard.  Worried that maybe a racoon or possum had started living in a trunk, I checked.

Nope . . . no chicken.   And I’m worried about her because she isn’t staying where I can find her.

I went around and looked under all the vehicles, the trailers, anywhere one might find a chicken hiding.  And low and behold, under the BACK side of a trailer, was this very silent chicken.  She wasn’t unhappy, or hurt.  She wasn’t laying an egg.  What she had done was to scratch out a hole in the dirt under the trailer and hunker her body into it.  She didn’t seem to be nesting.

What she was doing was to just plain take a spa dirt bath. She was happily contented to just wiggle around in the cold dirt and bathe in it.  I mean she was in total chicken heaven too.  Her eyes were glazed with this enjoyment I’ve not seen anywhere so intense.

And she seems to just be that type of personality, a chicken that is a renegade, independent “doesn’t need the flock” kind of gal.  But I think I need to mark her with a scarlet “R”.

Chickens don’t like unfamiliar things


I don’t LIKE new stuff

I had some white breadcrumbs that I put in the blender to take out to them, and went out to the chicken pen to give them to the hens. And I found something out quite by accident about my girls (the chickens).

I bent down to sprinkle some on the ground as I do every day with thiere regular crumbles.

They backed up.

I put some in my hand because they will eat directly from my hand with gusto.

They backed up again, looking upset. “Hey! that’s not food!”. They just did not TRUST those bread crumbs.

I finally got them to eat some by pecking with my finger at it like I always do.  The bread crumbs are lighter color than their crumbles.  But it taught me something about the discerning eye of a chicken.

And possibly the discerning eye of most people.  I know people that act that way about a new idea, a new food, a new thing they didn’t have experience with.  I just had to show them that it was good for them.

For the Moms you knew


Moms Chicken

Mom was always doing art and artsy stuff. When I was very young, one day she started a project that always puzzled me, because she slaved and worried over it so strenuously.  And this is how it started.

She got out some wax paper, Elmers Glue, sawdust, a big bowl, some tools, and started mixing the glue with the sawdust. She drew out this chicken on the wax paper and then with the glue/sawdust mixture she proceeded to make a flat but bas-relief chicken on the wax paper.

She fussed, she cussed, she just couldn’t get it right.  But when it was finished and dried out, it looked like the chicken in the picture above.  Well, it didn’t hold together very well.  It broke in all the small places like the feathers.  But I remember it so vividly because it seemed so important to her.  I didn’t try to figure it out then, but now I know what it all means.

See, when my mother died I inherited all of Grandmas stuff that SHE inherited.  And one of the things that I got was this cast iron chicken.  I had never seen the actual thing, I just experienced my Mom trying to make a chicken.  But now I know that it was her Moms chicken, and it meant a whole lot to her.

So this chicken has a place of great honor in my kitchen now. You just never know the history of things sometimes except by accident. If someone had thrown it out, I might never have known.

It was a very special light bulb moment when I “got it”

Baby chicken poopy feet

I was mistaken when I thought to save money on shavings by using newspaper for baby chick bedding.  And I promise it wasn’t a problem when I only had to change papers once a day.  But as baby chicks grow, so do the poopy spots, so I changed to pine shavings.  But not before I had to remove the cemented on poop galoshes that walking in poop created on the bottoms of the baby chicks feet!

baby chicks

Chicklets snuggling in my coat and learning to be tame.

I should have taken a picture of what it looked like (poop snow-shoes, galoshes, chicks-turned-ducks with poop webs).  It had dried rock hard under that heat lamp and you couldn’t have gotten it off without taking skin along with it.  So I put them, all six, in a cardboard box to the downstairs bathroom and proceeded to soak it loose.

I first thought to soak it off with soapy water, but that didn’t go too good.  It was too dried, thick, and hard, so I ran enough really warm water in the bottom of the bathtub and let them walk around in it for 15 minutes or so.  I’d check each chick and pull off whatever came off easily and put them back to stand in the water for another few minutes.

I had to do all of this on my knees, and they were sore by the time I got finished with all of it. But when I was finished I had baby chicks with clean feet and wet belly feathers.  I put wads of toilet paper into the bottom of the box, layered that with wet chicks, and topped it off with more wads of toilet paper and closed the box.  They were grateful as heck too.

I took them back upstairs to dry under their very own heat lamp and 15 minutes later they were good as new.  Just thought someone might be interested in what it takes to do it.